Paris, Marseille, and home again: shooting wraps up for the new Cortazar documentary

We've been silent on the blog front for the last two weeks because it's hard to write when you have a camera, a stack of letters and a 1970's VW in your hands!

We just wrapped up an amazingly successful shooting mission for our new Cortazar documentary all over France - from meeting ex-Cosmoroute adventures, to thousands of Cortazar fans at the Salon du Livres in Paris, to strolling the Seine and reuniting Stephane (Carol's son) with the long lost Fafner, all the way to the bottom of the Cosmoroute, where Raquel, Serre and the ghosts of the Marseille conquistadores continue to thrive… some in the strangest, oddest ways. We found dragons. We made epic 360 stedicam shots. We found a girl who looked like Carol and came on the road with us. We changed people's lives, putting the past in their hands, and seeing what happens. It was emotional. It was exhilarating. It was … exhausting!

It's damn good to be home in Toronto and gearing up for Hot Docs -- who's going to be there? We can't wait to see the Canadian talent and meet industry players from all over the world. Let's hope we are showing here next year! 


Road map to love: Pagina 12 coverage

We had another huge break through with Latin America this week, again, with Pagina 12 picking up the story of Julio Cortazar, Carol Dunlop, and the documentary exploring their love, deaths and the famous book they'd write at the end.

They did a great job highlighting the quest here. The truth is this all started with us asking the question: what the hell is love? Why can't everyone have what these two had in their book, Autonauts of the Cosmoroute? What is so wild and different about their connection, and why is it so powerful?

A Pagina12 story with co-director Tobin Dalrymple of the new Julio Cortazar movie.